
Yeah, I use nano.
roast me.

  • 13
    Meaning that's not the only nano thing you have 😏
  • 4
    @alexbrooklyn straight to the source
  • 8

    In reference to vim:

    "And it's only considered to be the best editor by users suffering from a mixture of Sunk Cost Fallacy and Stockholm Syndrome : They've put in the effort to learn it, and despite being tortured by the process, they've grown to love their oppressor."

    NANO MASTER RACE!!! Except when you find an old ass distribution of linux and all that is on there in vi...
  • 3
    @Demolishun in minimal docker containers vi is bae
  • 6
    I use pen and paper, you all suck!
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins some say it takes a lifetime to master the ancient dark art of vim.
  • 7
    Pfft. Real programmers use butterflies.
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins I have used vim on occasion. I even know how to properly exit vim. I just don't like it. I used to use edit.exe in DOS systems. When I found nano it was more like edit. But sometimes all there is is vim. So knowing the basics is good.
  • 2
    @Angry I prefer quantum entanglement. It has fewer external dependencies.
  • 1

    side note, don’t feel bad man, the Nano army welcomes you 😄
  • 5
    @FrodoSwaggins lol, i wonder how many people will think that is a website?
  • 0

    Don't get me wrong. I am all for "old school", but not for "dead and buried school".
  • 0
    only old man use the nano
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