Ok, Why tha Fuck does everyone bitch about javascript, like seriously why?
Its a damn great language and i have fun working with it. sure some people prefer other languages but it seems people who haven't even tried JS properly talk shit about it.

  • 9
    Great role play! 👌 Thats exactly what Franz Ferdinand would have said.
  • 3
    It's alright. One big problem is that it's dynamically typed. Dynamic typing is trash. Also the ecosystem sucks ass
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere Yeah but english is also a beautiful language... not like JS
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    @RantSomeWhere It's pretty inconsistent compared to german for example but I think it's just lovely
  • 4
    Everyone has an opinion, most of them aren't based on anything but personal bias. For example, I'm biased against Java. In the past I briefly inherited an old java app to maintain, it was a terribly constructed app. It was so bad, that it left a bad taste in my mouth each time I looked at anything written in java. It has nothing to do with java in this case. You'll also see a lot of people hate on things because they can't utilize them properly and get frustrated. I see that in many posts made here, especially around system tools like docker. Finally, some know a statement will get under the skin of others and just wanna get someone going. Like saying, IE is the best browser ever made. No one really believes that, not even the people that developed it
  • 3
    @Ubbe Dynamically typed languages don't have a role. They are objectively worse than statically typed ones with type inference. Dynamic typing is a cancer that needs to stop existing

    I can't think of one single situation where dynamic typing has any advantages
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    for(auto& item: items)

    I dunno though. auto seems to be overused a lot. I even see documents/articles/books saying to use auto whenever you can. Not sure I agree with that.
  • 2
    People love to bitch... That's all the reason.

    That being said there are a lot of wtf shit inside javascript and nodejs. Like all languages.
  • 0
    @Demolishun Type inference for local variables is perfectly fine in my opinion. I mean less typing is always good. And for the things that matter like field, parameter and return types it's not allowed anyways

    (I don't know if your response was to whether dynamic typing has a place because your example is just type inference, not dynamic typing)
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    @12bitfloat I guess you are right. It is still determined at compile time and not runtime. My bad.
  • 1
    A lot of older, more "traditional" devs bitch about it because they hate its dynamic typing (myself included.) Even for a dynamically typed language, it also has a lot of "gotchas" that make little to no sense, and are likely to trip you up at some point if they haven't already. It also took a *long* time (ES6) to catch up to the point where it had the feature set of other, more modern languages, meaning there's a lot of crappy legacy code out there.

    "Then don't work with it!", I hear your cry. Well, if you're a dev, chances are you'll have to do some frontend work at *some* point in your career, and then you can't sensibly avoid it.

    That being said, there's a lot of younger devs that just see the older devs bitching about it, and copy because they think it's the cool thing to do.
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    if am being honest i didn't really like js when we first met. Then i actually spent some time getting to know it, and the next thing i knew we were married.
    Sure we still have some ups and downs but i guess every relationship does. I admit i do cheat on it some times but my heart will always belong to js
  • 1
    Just like in politics:

    An often ignorant and vocal, small group of people does not equal "everyone". Though that same group may be always getting center stage. That group does not reflect the opinion or best interest of the majority.
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    @RantSomeWhere @halfflat

    Is English the OSS of languages?

    Everyone is contributing and there is no QA.
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    @RantSomeWhere my wife agrees with that description of the English language. She is a linguist :P
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    I normally hate all forms of language wars. I prefer static type systems greatly, but don't find using dynamic typing to be a great hurdle.

    Overall i love working with JS, it has a special place in my heart, i like working with it and it has made me very happy in terms of monetary compensation. I know damn near all quirks that could come from working with it and i also know how to go around them. And the advancements in the language are an example of what a community of developers will do in order to better the chances of building great things. Want a good type system? You got Puresript and Reason as well as TypeScript. Want to try more exotic constructs and learn some Lisp? There is clojurescript. There is just too much good inside of the community to ignore it and cast it as just bad from the get go.

    People might just have a bad taste with it but its allright.
  • 1
    Its because most of the times something goes wrong in javascript its not proggramed wrongly, but wrongly for javascript, and it would have worked on 90% of the other languages..
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    @jonhyfun well said. That's what you miss in a language held together with duct tape. More features, more tape.

    Add the clueless JS bootcamp grads with 3 months experience who produce crappy un-maintenable JS code and that's the disaster recipe that JS is.

    To be fair, experienced JS devs write respectable JS but the language lacks the ability to make the developer think through before coding, that's mostly done afterwards.
  • 1
    @-psr well said too.
  • 0
    @-psr so you have languages that force "devs" to think? For real ???

    Then all the shitty stuff done on JAVA was due to what?? C/C++ atrocities?

    And what about the python/scala boot camps? Do they do a good job?

    There a lot of good reasons to hate JS, as there are good reasons to hate every language! But none of the ones you said.
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