
When you start to excel, people start to spreadsheet.

  • 8
    This is why we use our power to point out their mistakes.
  • 3
    Word up!
  • 8
    I'm always on the Outlook for such idiots, and when I see them, I Jet out of there.
  • 2
    When I see Apple trough Windows I always want to take a bite.
  • 5
    @Root with the amount of Access to general knowledge we have these days, you think people would take one note and learn things. Apparently this is a complex problem not many can excel at.
  • 4
    One more Note like this and I will find a way to get every one of us fired. We need to do a 365 and stop posting these.
  • 6
    @electrineer you're not being a very good Teams player.
  • 2
    Of all the microsoft puns, this One Drive me crazy man. You should contact a Publisher and write a book!
  • 3
    @electrineer Perhaps you could Sway People if you Delve deeper and Share your Point with us.
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