
You guys are cool and all but it's a little strange being in a community centred around releasing negativity when ideally you need good vibes..

  • 11
    Good vibes? Honestly, I don't want to have happy hippies around me when I'm going to rant about something. Hate with me, or get out.
  • 5
    Fuck good vibes. And fun is for people who are lacking seriousness anyway.
  • 5
    Think of this as Alcoholics Anonymous, but for devs.

    We all come from similar walks of life, share the same frustrations and pain, and have a common place to let it out and at times have some fun in the process.
  • 1
    It's open season to pessimists these days. That's why everything today is just exchanges of bullshit and fake smiles. It's like, everything has to have a selling purpose these days. I say, release the salt.
  • 0
    I can't share any dev related projects cause of newcomers that think devRant is about hihi and hahas...
  • 4
    Good vibes come in the form of ++’s here.

    ++ is the equivalent of “I like this shit, I feel you, let’s feels these feels together”.
  • 5
    It's called devRant, not devSmiles.
  • 3
    Fuck off
  • 1
    I feel better now
  • 0
    Maybe look up the definition of rant?

    It can be a positive or negative expression of excitement. It can be bipolar if you want it to be. Don't pigeon hole my experience!
  • 2
    @bartmr Because nowadays people are doing "personal branding" and "networking", aka being fake as fuck about being nice to everyone and liking everything to eventually (possibly) gain something that way. So yes, everything is about selling these days, even people's behaviour. Hand me the salt.
  • 2
    Don't you get your fill of being forced to fake-smile at work?
  • 0
    @HollowKitty Actually I go to school, where everybody is pretending to be depressed. I'm not saying people can't vent their shit I really don't care what people post to help themselves here, but I basically live among the psychological equivalent of a dive bar at this point.
  • 2

    This should be in a list of taglines that are randomly selected and appear under the title of the homepage each page load.
  • 1

    You're welcome to cheer up the place with some positivity bruh.

    Just be real when you do.
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