
I'm really trying to give js a chance. I really wanna get this front end done. But this is just Bullshit.

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    NaN is still a number. It's a result of a combination of numerics.
    Now, this result can come from everywhere, therefore, NaN != NaN because 1/0 is not the same as 5/0.
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    Exactly what @groxx and @nitwhiz said.
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    "Wow this language is so bad. Like just look at this thing you wouldn't actually do ever!"
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    Hey look, another js rant where the author turned out to be plain wrong.
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    It's like C again.
    No exceptions but errors you have to check for instead.

    Only in C they're at least documented..
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    @inaba But in fact, I had to do this thing and it gave me a fucking headache.

    @theuser Well fucking excuse me that my opinion about this being bullshit is wrong. Having an opinion only seems to good when it's standardized.
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    @nitwhiz huh? If it doesn't throw an exception x/0 is Infinity and it doesn't matter what it was previous to that
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    @Awlex JS conforms to IEEE 754, and it states that any number (except 0 which isn't a number) which is divided by zero, equals Infinity. In addition, IEEE 754 states that certain invalid mathematical operations (like 0/0) equals NaN.
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    @theuser But we are programmers. Not matematiaians.

    If something doesn't work it should say so and not continue to work.
    I don't regard NaN as proper answer since only few would check for NaN.
    Saying so is throwing an error.

    Also NaN (not a number) being of type Number isn't helpful either.
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    @theuser That part was above the stackoverflow comment I shared, so I know the reason why. But just like the comment, I strongly disagree with that decision/standard.
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    @Awlex a better analogy would be:

    parseInt('foo') === parseInt('bar')

    // in this situation what would you expect the value to be? It's not a number by type but by value it most probably not the same.

    // instead, what you want to achieve is checking the type

    typeof parseInt('foo') === typeof parseInt('bar')
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    @bioDan 'foo' and 'bar' a processed by parseInt and the Results are both NaN. The return value is all that matters to me, because that's why I called the function in the first place.
    For example, if I applied the function f(x) = x^2 it should not matter if I applied it on 5 or -5. The result is 25.

    Edit: Yes, I accidentally replied to the bot
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    @Awlex thats fair, but if you pass your function a string, you'll get a NaN since you dont know how to parse that string. The result is surely a number. But parse them as a Hexadecimal, Binary or any other numerical representation you may get same results but with different interpretation.

    In this case, both results have a value of one, but they arent equal.

    0x1 === 5&1
    0x1 == 5&1
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    @bioDan The interpretation doesn't matter. Why should I care about how the function(s) interprets values, if I just want to compare the raw results.
    That code snippet also suggests that. Both sides return 1 therefore it's true and it doesn't matter what the arguments are. I just want to compare the results.
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    @Awlex the code above returns 0 which is interpreted as false
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    @bioDan That's because the & operator is applied to the result of (0x1 == 5), which is obviously false
    If you encapsulate it correctly like 0x1 == (5&1) it returns true
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    @Awlex nice catch, i guess it wasn't a good analogy after all.
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    @bioDan Could have happened to everyone. Though it threw me off that a comparison yielded a number. I mean, we're not programming C here 🤣
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    @Awlex You wouldn't. You would check weather or not something is not a number https://repl.it/repls/...
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