When a Linux programmer Bing searches what Cinnamon Muffin is, this is what the results are!

  • 2
    @Haxk20 someone got me to use Bing and I like the UI and search results better than Google. And you get paid a little to use it as well.
  • 2
    But any normal search engine would return the same, unless you specify the context. 🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    @alljp true, but us Linux users and programmers sometimes think we don't always have to specify because it's usually unique.
  • 1
    But tbh
    it IS cinnamon muffin
  • 0
    I get it, but as a programmer, I didn't realize that until the results came up! Haha. Then I was like that actually sounds good!
  • 1
    jesus, Bing is still a thing?
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