Getting used to using ubuntu on virtual box. Responsiveness is slow as fuck and I have 128gb of RAM. Spent all last week configuring my box and sublime text in order to have to set up a new one due to repo issues. Any advice?

  • 3
    Did you install the guest additions? Also, your host may have 128 gigs, but how much ram did you allocate to the VM? How many cores while your at it
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    @Plasticnova That and graphic memory.
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    @Jilano yeah, isn't the default like 15 MB? I never run a VM with a gui so it's never been an issue for me yet whatever it is. I'd probably use xfce if I did though
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    The VM has 100GB of dedicate RAM.

    So I bet it’s the graphics card, it’s a noce machine but I bet they cheapes out when it came to that.

    Will be reading up on VB at home tonight.
  • 2
    @katbreitin what about cpu core and vram as suggested above? The ram settings for the virtual video card is separate from the system ram
  • 0
    Thanks, I will check that tomorrow.
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