
thank you, Pearson, for this opportunity

  • 2
    Maybe encrypted to hide backend internals?
  • 5
    Well the issue is pointed out clearly on line 5
  • 5
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    @netikras yah, looks very much like it. @parzi, did you try base64 decode? what does it say?
  • 2
    Pearson OMG
  • 3
    So it just prints whatever the ErrorMessage query param is?
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    @JhonDoe naaah it's not..

    netikras@netikras-xps:~$ a="wAG4Ls1xGXEbgn7vknPiATyYGrCcMXB2Y1W"
    netikras@netikras-xps:~$ echo "${a}" | LC_ALL=C base32 -d
    base32: invalid input
    netikras@netikras-xps:~$ echo "${a}" | LC_ALL=C base64 -d
    ��.�qq�~��s�<���1pvcUbase64: invalid input

    EDIT: Well okay, it prolly is, but it's still encrypted -- not a plaintext message in b64.
  • 2
    @netikras Try echo $a | base64 -d | gzip -dc
  • 2
    @dcprm I don't have the full text you know :) Feel free typing it all by yourself :D
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    @netikras sorry about that! I will try.. but I think it might be encrypted anyways..
  • 2
    @dcprm And you still don't have >50% of the message...Doesn't gzip need the whole message to unzip anything from it? Honest question
  • 2
    @dcprm I have a feeling it's a stack trace... Look at those line lengths. The shortest ones prolly refer to either "at java.lang.reflect.Proxy" or "Caused by:".

    And that would explain the use of printing errors in FE! Whoever knows how to read it can read it and debug. All others - just see it as a crypic text
  • 1
    @netikras I don’t think so.. unlike Zip, gzip can uncompress in-stream as in this case pipe. What we should be able to see is that magic number in 10 byte header. More information at Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip

    I have tried incomplete files with gzip it does give me output but just prints garbage characters at the end 🗑
  • 3
    @dcprm I tried that too :)

    netikras@netikras-xps:~$ a="wAG4Ls1xGXEbqn7vknPiATyYGrCcMXB2Y1W"
    netikras@netikras-xps:~$ echo "${a}=" | LC_ALL=C base64 -d >/tmp/smth
    netikras@netikras-xps:~$ file /tmp/smth
    /tmp/smth: data

    Since a newline is not a part of base64 codeplate I'm guessing each line is encoded/encrypted separately. That said dumping the first line and trying to analyze it should work.

    EDIT: ohh.. a newline represents a plus :) And + is in the b64 codeplate. My bad!

    EDIT2: GZIP + b64 feels awfully weird btw... Why gzip it then if you're still exploding the amount of data transferred by b64ing it?
  • 1
    Most probably just encoded ciphertext of the actual stacktrace.
    They probably don't want to show so much info about their systems.
  • 1
    If you manage to decode it and I’m right about line 5, you owe me a penny
  • 2
    oh my god what happened.

    It takes whatever you give it. Two people noticed the URL.

    It's literally random.org output so no it's not b64, even encrypted.
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