looking to move away from jetbrains products as i will be finishing school soon. what ides would you guys recommend? i do quite a bit of python but i would like it to be able to be expanded to other languages.

  • 4
    Visual Studio Code is a hammer you can whack almost every nail with.
  • 3
    why ditch JetBrains? If you had/have an edu licence they will give you a 20% off from the licence fee.

    PRO tip: if you decide to stay with JB, get in touch with them about recreating your account. If it's based on your .edu email (you are going to lose your access to soon) they will delete your account preserving your profile and once you create a new account it will be linked to your old profile, preserving your record of an edu licence and giving you that 20% off.

    It sounds a bit complicated, I know. Just get in touch with them - they'll explain it all
  • 3
    @EdoPhoenix It's more like a Wrench you can misuse as a hammer.
    VS Code and a real IDE are worlds apart.
  • 0
    @Marl3x it's not intended as a full ide, but something between texteditor and ide. And for python it is an ide at this point. Also it's great for expanding to other languages, you only need to install extensions.
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