So if only one query on a firestore collection returns 1000 documents, this is considred as 1000 read ?
Or only one ?
Docs say 1000 !

And since the cache os 30min long, if the user came to the same and open it 30sec later, ill be charged for 1000 reads ?

Well well well !

  • 1
    Yep, every document that is read counts, so if you read 1000 docs in a single query, that's 1000 reads.

    You could add a listener to create a snapshot, to reduce the ongoing costs of reads, as this will only count as an additional read per document update.

  • 0
    @C0D4 yeah... U comfirm my thooughts :(

    I am starting to think about an hybrid solution, like couchdb / firestore ...
    Keeping in firestore only the data that may get regurlarly updated and in couch the more sedentary data.

    What do u think?
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