I think I need a new CPU

This is me starting Minecraft Forge from Eclipse...

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    why start it from an IDE? Franky I never start an application from my IDEs. IDEs make them soooo slow
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    @netikras Well I'm developing a core mod... But I have had massive performance problems for a few days now. I think my unactivated Windows 7 might be the cause (note the black wallpaper lol)
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    @12bitfloat yeah I figured you are developing smth for the game (it would be weird to use an IDE just as a kickstarted for the game's initialization :D ). Nevertheless, try launching the app w/o an IDE wrapping its process. Build it however you want, but launch it out of the IDE. You can attach the debugger later on if you need to.

    FTR having a debugger attached makes the application run MUCH slower. Having the debug port open makes it only somewhat slower but could be a reason of random freezes, esp. when the app is calling native methods, like searching for classes in a classloader
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    @netikras That's a good idea, but this is the classpath... :D
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    @12bitfloat pack 'em into the jar and launch that buggar!
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    @netikras forge grade used to have a launch Mc command no need to pack stuff
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    @shoop I've been developing Minecraft mods for years now, it's actually quite amazing. Especially making core mods
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    I must admit, that hurts
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    @12bitfloat probably a dumb idea, but have you played with the VM arguments?
    I'm pretty sure there are settings for RAM and other performance stuff.
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    @StefanH Thanks for the offer but I don't want to upgrade for another few months
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    Seems like there is someone up for a rig update.

    CPU. Comes probably with new RAM and most likely a new board.

    And don't forget that Win7 will die soon as well... :O
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    @Rohr Yeah... That's gonna be expensive :D
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    @12bitfloat probably. But I've seen a couple of awesome budget value option out there. Especially when you are open for an AMD setup...
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