
WTH?! I just installed Windows on a high end laptop and fiber connection in under 20 minutes.

Nobody told me this is how people in first-world countries lived!!

  • 17
    Could have been up and running in 10 min if you installed linux instead 😉😉😉
  • 6
    @Root 10? You got dial up speeds? 😂😂
  • 14
    Windows? Still in the third world I see.
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD Gotta download the dvd and then run through the installer, plus zero out and encrypt the disk. so. 10 is about right for a quick install. Longer if you don't have an m2.
  • 1
    @Angry back in October I had to choose an ISP for my new apartament. I could only choose between 300, 600Mb/s and 1Gb/s. Got 300Mb/s, since it's still quite extreme for my laptop's network card and it costs circa 13€/month. And I don't think Poland is in the "rich guys club" in Europe like Germany, France or England are.
  • 1
    @Root - For sure. I recently purchased an OLED XPS 15 (stupidly) without reading up on caveats. Turns out a big one when using linux on it is that there is no working solution for the brightness adjustment issue (ie. I can't adjust the OLED's brightness).

    I used it for a week and could only get up to 5 hours of work time on the battery. Which is ridiculous, so I installed Windows on it again and run a headless Ubuntu on a virtual machine and I could code for 8+ hours again on battery.
  • 2
    They don't. People in the 1st world countries have people that install shit for them.
  • 0
    @dontPanic well, in germany you can pay 40 euros for a 100k connection or a 2k connection. I guess in most areas you can get 16k+ today...
  • 0
    20 mins ? I can do it in 10 !
  • 1
    I finished building my pc on monday and installed windows 10 twice in 10 minutes. Yes. Twice. I accidentally installed it on the wrong partition in the first run..
  • 1
    @Nanos What are you talking about? I can Google "pc repair" and find over 10 places in a 2km radius that'll install and reinstall shit for me for less than €2. Actually, my IT guy will *come over* and do it on 3 machines at once for less than €4. We live in the golden age of door to door services.
  • 0
    @Nanos Who said my IT guy knows more than I do...? 😂 He knows just enough to handle everyday maintenance of my PCs and his time is worth less than mine - it's only logical to delegate all the mundane IT tasks to him. He's happy, I'm happy, PCs are happy. 1st world in practice.
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