You know that point when your pc is just not capable enough? And you are on holidays with so many ideas that you want to code up?

I'm there.

Never thought being a broke student would be this bad.

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    Know that feel, about to be with my family over the holidays with slow fuck up internet and a trashy laptop

    try sketching your ideas on papaer
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    @Katakompe I will never understand how one cannot code w/o internet...
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    @Gorlami mock them! You DO have the specs
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    Have you tried to...
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    Make your code more efficient.

    Back when the Dead Sea was still on life support, I learnt coding on a SW emulation of an XT running on a host with an 8 MHz 68k CPU. That was three times slower than an original PC XT, and even that was already legacy at that point.
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    Bite on a shoe while you boot your PC in terminal mode and code in vim.
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    if it's not capable enough you're not optimizing your system and/or code hard enough.
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    @aviophile I did try. Instructions and documentations were unclear. Ended up with sandboxed skynet. Purged project.
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    @OneOfSimpleMind what if I like the shoe? Wouldnt I ruin the one shoe I like? Too many questions.
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    @Parzi ummm... Platform tools? Ide? I guess I'll take the blame for Android studio killing all resources.
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    @srivmanu no like

    defragment/trim, kill unneeded services/daemons, update your storage controller drivers to the proper ones for your mobo (if possible), kill parts of the IDE not in use if it launches multiple processes, etc.
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    @Parzi done and done. They don't help. I've played this game for too long to have missed such steps.
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    @srivmanu lots haven't, just making sure...
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