
Do dev or engineer needs to know how the program works?. I mean that should they know about time and space complexity?
Till now my answer is yes, they should know. But i have met more than triple Dev's with absolutely no knowledge of complexity and they all are behind code quality.

  • 3
    Does an engineer need to know how a bridge works?

    Does an architect need to know how a house is built?

    Does a pilot need to know how a plane works?

    Yes, to some degree, do they need to know how it all works? Probably not but the best devs I've worked with do.
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    In general, devs should know about time and space complexity. Hard to say whether that was the question, given how confusingly the post is worded.
  • 1
    Most devs I work with, can not answer the the following questions:
    - Is python dicts threadsafe? are maps for golang threadsafe?
    - How does the scheduler works?
    - Whats the differnce between a Thread, and a Coroutine?

    And guess what? they don't care. Mostly from the same reason that people driving cars, don't need to know how the steering, breaks, engine, and rear axle differential works. They just want to get in and "drive the thing!". Blackbox all things.

    And don't get me started on nodejs or frontend devs.
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    I Guess it's somewhat basic knowledge. But Even if you dont know about big O etc, most devs knows that multipel nested loops (as an example) are an bad idea.
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    @magicMirror you call them devs?
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    @-pthread Well.. they work with code, and I have been told to stop being an arrogant bastard.
    The first thing is true. The other thing is also very true, but not gonna happen.
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