
Have the image repost spams slowed down since they stopped giving away free stickers? Er, have they stopped giving away free stickers? Seems like that would help to cut down on the junk.

  • 1
    Idk, maybe most of it is in joke/meme category now. Can you verify?
  • 2
    That's the reason I asked, because I have all of that filtered.
  • 0
    Don't jinx it lol
  • 1
    Dunno, I block the entire shitposting category.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested The whole category thing is still relatively new. Often memes that are directly copied from other sites would end up outside the meme category. But it does seem like that happens less often now. I'd like to think I've played a small role in it by modifying the miscategorized memes and posting them as comments to the original post. I've collected them here https://devrant.com/rants/2119895/....
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