
So today I set up an ubuntu server with LVM, encrypted root partition and decryption via usb key.

That shit is insane dude.

  • 4
    I'm always struggling to undersand why do people choose ubuntu for servers...
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    @netikras in this case it was necessary to be as simple as possible. And I think more people are able to use ubuntu than anything else.

    What'd you pick though, out of interest?
  • 2
    @netikras some software is build for ubuntu.
  • 0
    @netikras why not? It's easy to work with and gets the job done.
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    Any good (aka comprehensible) guides on how to set that up? Asking for a friend 👀
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    @netikras do you have a ethical/moral/licensing reasons or do you have technical reasons?
  • 3

    It's German though, but:

    Thats only the usbkey stuff. I did the LVM part with the help of a co-worker, because that stuff is just weird.
  • 0
    @stop that's interesting! Like what?
  • 3
    @nitwhiz centos. Or bsd. Or debian. I'd rather stick with centos/redhat

    @don-rager technical. Ubuntu is too clunky. The whole point of servers is to be focused on one or a few applications running on them. Having ubuntu for that feels.. Off :)
    ubuntu [and the whole debian branch] is slower, clunkier and oriented at supporting everything you throw at it. The more unneeded stuff you have, the slower, bigger and more vulnerable you are.

    Also centos has a twin brother - redhat. And redhat provides professional support. Now while you cannot get support for centos you can easily browse their support cases and apply them to centos. And the fact that cent is cloned from something that is crafted solely to be THE server os makes it sound like the only sane choice really..

    Running a server with ubuntu feels like buying a router and flashing it with ubuntu. While you can [probably] make it work it's hardly a sane thing to do

    But that's just my opinion based on my experience
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    @netikras Thanks for clarifying.(:

    I had to setup percona5.6 on centos once (as our db servers are mostly centos), I can't say I enjoyed it.:D
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    @netikras my counter point, for my home server, is that I have no patience to do everything from remote, file protected, ssh(far from home is inevitable), I feel at home to deal with the OS(Lubuntu non-LTS) with a desktop environment.

    cd\ls can such my scrotum, even though it's inevitable. 🙄
  • 1
    @h4xx3r aahh, a home server is a completely different topic imo :) I was assuming a production server. Running in a dc or a server room, expected to serve 24/7, the one which generates dineros and is expected to be as reliable as possible :)
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    @netikras I have a webapp developed that maybe will generate dineros one day running on that server e_e
    So I call it production server too (with UPS too u.u)
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