Iterating over 50 rows of data with selenium takes 8-10 seconds according to System.currentTimeMillis() But opening the site itself takes 65-70 seconds by itself. Why is this site so damn slow even opening it normally it’s slow as fuck and headless mode doesn’t help much if at all

Doesn’t matter much since I can just sit and let it do it’s 4000 iterations but I really ducking hate that 60 seconds just to load the damn page

  • 0
    What's the platform?
  • 1
    I used C# with https://html-agility-pack.net and Chrome Driver. Sometimes it was better to let HAP get the source and pull the data, other times Selenium/Chrome Driver had better response times. It really depends on the DOM and the site.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested I used java-selenium because that’s what the rest of my group knows and I thought it best to use a common too rather than something only I have experience with
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