It annoys me immensely when I struggle with myself, criticizing my own lack of knowledge in certain areas and my colleagues say: "You'll learn by doing". No, I won't, that's a foolish dogma.

I won't and I have never learned by 'doing'. The best results I've obtained have been through understanding every last bit of what's under the hood of a particular functionality. I'm not going to understand the white box by constantly probing the black box, it's just unsatisfactory and insufficient information. It's even dangerous to base yourself on the black box results because you often might get false positives.

I got through university by massive multilateral sensory focus: kinesthetic (writing things down), auditory (listening to the professor), visual (observing graphs and models of the material taught), conscious (mentalizing it all and interlinking information so that later it's accessible from long-term memory). I can confirm this is necessary for the brain because a Neurologist once told me just that.

At least for me, I had the most horrible grades (D's and F's) in freshman year with the 'learn by doing' method and the best grades (A, A+) with the multi-sensory method in later years as I matured my studying methods. In fact, with that method I've continuously outsmarted other people who had 10 years more experience than me ('experts', 'consultants',..) but they preferred to stay in the ignorant 'bro zone' rather than learning things properly. Even worse, the day they arrived on the scene, they completely broke the production environment and messed it up for the whole team. I felt like banging my head on my desk. It just makes me disappointed in the system.

If you follow popular method, you'll soon find yourself in the same problems that arise from doing what everyone else does. What happens at that point? That's right, they have to call in someone who actually bothered learning things.

  • 8
    Uhm, "learning by doing" how I understand it involves also doing the research how and why things work, not just copy and paste from SO.
  • 4
    First impressions: this guy is better than anybody else with his superior learning techniques.
  • 0
    @theuser If you're going to offend people, you'll soon find yourself reported. How about practice basic manners and keep quiet.
  • 3
    @CaptainRant Do whatever you want dude, but at least go and understand what "Learning by doing" is and why it is such a baseline approach to learning much like your own approach.
  • 3
    @CaptainRant Hard to tell whether you're failing at understanding plain English, or whether you're trolling, or whether you're just being an asshole once again.
  • 0
    You do realize that what works for you might be different for others? I need to pair theoretical knowledge with the doing. If either of these is missing, my brain discards the incomplete info.
  • 3
    If you are programming at application layer the amount of rabbit trails to get down to hardware is so deep that unless you start doing something without knowing everything you will end up doing nothing.

    You are somewhere in a balanced red-black tree structure that goes down many levels and the nodes are always changing. You can never know all of the info on the tree and it will change by the time you have to use it. Trying to know everything is a bad strategy but you just haven’t realized it yet.
  • 0
    @kescherRant That'ssss my pointttttt, to have all facets be applied.
  • 0
    @irene Knowing too little is a bad strategy.
  • 2
    @CaptainRant Then don’t know too little; learn enough to do what you need to do and grow as you go. Imagine if a junior lawyer decided “I’m not going work on a case until I know all the laws.” Like being a lawyer development is knowledge work not an academic pursuit. If you don’t output there is no reason to pay you or keep you employed.

    Nearly everyone learns as they go. I’m pretty sure that the first words out of your mouth as a baby were poorly formed, unintelligible, omitted critical syntax, and lacked context. But you kept talking and figured out how to do it better as you struggled to be understood.

    That is what good “developer culture” is about. You put people into positions where they can fail gracefully so that they can learn from their inevitable failures. If you are letting some newbie developers on the team push breaking code straight into prod without review or testing then that is not them failing; that is your team failing to support them.
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