
As a junior developer, your primary goal should be to learn and absorb as much as you can, not to try to make a name for yourself. It's all too common that I see devs fresh out of college with this amazing gung ho attitude that quickly devolves into needing to feel like the smartest person in the room.
This leads to an unnaturally inflated ego, a feeling of self importance, and blocks you from truly understanding what is going on in the stack in front of you.
That's not to say you can't try to take on difficult tasks, just be humble and ask for help when you need it, and don't make assumptions that might lead to rework later.
I would much rather you ask me a question then put up a PR that has wildly different assumptions because you didn't fully understand the acceptance criteria of a particular task.

tl;dr - sit down, shut up, do your job, learn what you can as fast as you can.

A very fed up Senior Dev

  • 2
    I sat down for maybe one day before realizing I'm just as experienced as a Sr dev. 8 years later I'm now a senior dev... but as far as I remember, no other Sr dev on least in my direct teams have taught me anything related to good coding....
  • 1
    Can relate, I've been that junior dev, a couple wrong assumptions at the wrong moment changed my attitude tho! :P
  • 0
    As soon as I get on a bit of an ego trip my senior usually manages to shut me with about 40+ (valid) comments in my PR.
  • 1
    @billgates While I agree that titles don't directly mean experience and knowledge, in my particular case it does. There are two Juniors on my team that routinely try to pull this shit on me, trying to sound smart and then I have to spend the next 20 minutes explaining why they're incorrect. I'm not against people suggesting things, I'm against people talking as if they have the solution as an absolute when they don't have the true knowledge or experience to know for sure
  • 0
    Could say the same thing about senior devs. lol

    titles are so useless.

    what triggers me the most.

    you solution is bad because it is "new" technology and i dont know it. so lets do it my way because im a senior.

    and then companies think. why young devs dont want to work with our stacks?

    we work in IT. and stuff you did last year probably you shouldnt do it exactly the same as last year because it is outdated
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