Much obliged if you stop reloading the folder and searching it every five fucking seconds you fucking cunts.

Good god damn this fucking 'feature' of windows 10 grinds my fucking gears. I hit 'x' to stop seeing the visual distraction of the fucking green loading bar when the folders already loaded. Same thing with music. All I want it to do is open and play my fucking song.

Does it do that?

No instead it spends precious cycles updating fucking indexes or sprinkling crack rocks on the corpse of my cpu or whatever cycle fairies at fucking microsoft programmed it to do while wasting my fucking time.

I wish I had a brick and a microsoft programmer within throwing distance, I'd be sorely tempted to nail the motherfucker square in his fucking big fat melon.


fuck count: 8

  • 11
    no lie, when i got into Programming it was because vista was absolute trash and I needed to know what the people that build it are called in order to understand them better and cuz them out better.

    I got into coding out of spite.... because windows vista sucked ass
  • 5
    @AleCx04 😂😂😂

    Why does this not surprise me?
  • 1

    I prefer prefacing my stories with "true story."

    But I could totally believe someone would learn to program just out of hatred for vista.
  • 2
    Download a program called "Search Everything" it works instantly with no bullshit. Already saved me tens of hours that I would waste searching
  • 1
    @AleCx04 I don’t even know if Windows ME or Vista takes the first place in the competition.

    To my surprise, on my parent PC Vista worked perfectly. (Well, it wasn’t on any other PC I saw with it)
  • 2
    @NoToJavaScript I try to blame it on the shitty pc that I had at the time. It was probably that which caused it to be so unstable. Windows would close out of nowhere, mouse would move in weird ways, the registry was constantly broken, shit was not responding all the time.

    I used to call it the ctrl+alt+del dance. I still remember the horrors of it. In contrast I was absolutely in love with windows xp, shit was resilient af man
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