
Excuse me github?

(I have literally no idea what has happened here)

  • 4
    You were drunk last night?
  • 1
    @C0D4 I haven't made a commit for like a week .-.
  • 0
    It did a merge yours strategy?
  • 5
    You committed a file with an unresolved merge conflict. Look into the file's history to figure out when that happened and maybe try fixing its history.

    (Note: this happened locally. Github is just showing you the outcome).
  • 1
    @endor yeah just found the issue, tried to commit different changes on different machines :-/
  • 0
    but seriously ... can't GitHub check for the merge issue on push and say " You sure about this?" Git might not do it natively but GitHub could add it in the push response as an error.
  • 2
  • 2
    @devphobe no, and it's not their job to. Git *does* warn you about merge conflicts locally - that's the whole point of a merge conflict. The user still has to manually add files, commit, and push, which assumes he's done his due diligence of checking that everything was correct beforehand.

    It's the same reason why linux doesn't ask you twice when you try to sudo rm -rf a directory.
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