
  • 3
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    Please stop. Ugh.
  • 2
    Smh, not original.
    Also, this meme is made by a monkey that didn't know a thing about type conversion, and it's safe to assume you don't too.
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    @vintprox How does fuelling the fire help, exactly? A constructive answer may do more to help than you think.
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    @stonestorm I'll try to explain, even if it takes my time. I'm just curious what's constructive about this meme then?
    First of all, this kind of situation with concatenating stringified number with integer is unthinkable for production-grade code. Second, I see genuine attempts to put JS in a bad light and inflate the problem out of nowhere, again. And author of repost can basically mean anything by that, they should have put some context to make it more original imo.
    But artstyle seems cute to me though :)
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