
Holy shit why can't you just work. Stop talking about your kids from 9 am to 5pm with the orther person sitting next to you who clearly wants to get some work done.

Also, good on you for baking a cake and your kid saying this is the best cake. Every kid says that to your parent.

FFS, shut up and work, and let people around you work.

P.S. I need good headphones, preferably in ear wireless buds. I'm waiting for Pixel Buda 2.

  • 10
    Mmmmm cake 🎂 🤤
  • 1
    Headphones ?
  • 1
    @NoToJavaScript headphones/earphones/earbuds. Had a brainfart moment there. Thanks to the constant talking behind me. My bad.
  • 1
    Buy a good set of noise cancelers. Work from home as much as possible. Find someone else at work who hates that stereotype who sits next to you so you can channel your hatred with the other person and turn it into one mega hatred.

    There's a handful of stereotypes that sit next to me as well, I've found the other young people at the office enjoy mocking them. It helps.
  • 2
    @chipset I wanted the pixel buds too but I wound up just getting a pair of douchepods
  • 1
    @vomitmachine I can't work from home too much, this is my first gig and I'm on probationary period.

    But yeah, I've been bitching about it with a few team mates, haha.
  • 1
    Oh, you meant Pixel Buds. I really thought Pixel Buda was a thing, like a Pixel Art Zen software to relieve stress Idk.
  • 1
    when people bring topics that I can't stand I make a point to somehow make them now that i don't care for said topics.
    But that is not applicable everywhere and I bet that such shit is annoying af
  • 0
    @AleCx04 well they weren't talking to me, they are just, loud. I don't want to be the office tool by asking them to shut up.
  • 1
    In case anyone's interested, they kept talking about how they'll probably die of Covid-19 today.
  • 3
    Book a meeting with them with some of their personal stories as a subject
  • 1
    Same here. Only if murder was an option.
  • 1
    Just be rude to the moron until they get it
  • 1
    Can sympathize. Fuck chatterboxes.

    Get cans though, no one notices when you've got earbuds in and they'll sit there talking to you and then a longer conversation will ensue about earbuds and their awkward obliviousness. (Worse with long hair)

    Pics+refs attached
  • 0
    Go for noise canceling ones, use them as airplugs when u dont want to listen to music or bullshit
  • 0
    Kids are gross. Creating needless life is gross. Don't like cake either.
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