What do you think about future of C Language

  • 13
    It will never die.

    Any other prediction would be dicey...
  • 5
    It'll pretty much stay exactly where it is at the moment. Used for legacy stuff, "bare metal" programming, situations where precise control over speed or memory is needed, and (aside from some other niches) not much else.
  • 12
    C is here to stay whenever you want to go as close to the metal as possible without using assembly.

    C++ can do that mostly as well if you know exactly which 90% not to use, but C makes it easier because it doesn't have these features, and it doesn't attract devs who actually hate hardware and love to abstract it away.
  • 6
    I want to hear @Fast-Nop in this regard since he works on it.
    I honestly don't see anything moving C from it's place. I don't see it as a legacy only language like people say. It is used on practically anything that needs low level programming like drivers, operating system desgin etc etc.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop shit fam you commented and I didn't see it, already tagged you for your opinion in it. Cheers my good sir
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Cross-posting in action. ^^
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop C can be hell when all the wanna be template programmers write macros. Thanks to C++ they all moved to being template programmers. Your welcome. ;-)
  • 3
    @Demolishun Yeah and that stuff is impossible to debug and maintain. Which is why a lot of C++ shops prohibit any templates except those that are already in the STL because these are documented and reliable.

    Oh and C11 does have generics for templating - it's just that nearly nobody is using them. ^^
  • 4
    Like heavy metal, C will never die. 😉

    I am curious how Rust will fare, though. It looks promising.
  • 1
    @Root Manowar would code in C.
  • 0
    More syntactical sugar
  • 0
    Been using Rust for the past half year and oh boy, it's so much better than C!
    (Using it embedded as well)

    I hope C will become the next COBOL; going from widespread use to fewer and fewer people writing it until there's no one left that knows how to write it anymore.

    Although, arguably, not many people currently know how to write proper C code 😅. I've seen so many horrible libraries.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop manowar is kinda lame, tbh.
    But Amon Amarth is ❤
  • 3
    @Geoxion C will be around as long as the Linux kernel will be around. Unless all those devs suddenly switch gears or something.
  • 0
    @Demolishun Well, one of the selling points of Rust is the good FFI functionality. Of course, Linux wouldn't be rewritten in Rust in it's entirety in a whiff, but gradually it could get there. Module by module.

    Also, early Linux was written with a combo of assembly and B. So it wouldn't be the first time that they switched languages. (Isn't entirely the same as now, I know, but still)

    Also, another question to ask would be if Linux is still 'the best' we can come up with. We've got 50 years of extra experience in designing OS'es now. Maybe there are some ideas worth trying out. And if you're building new ideas, then maybe just not use C for that.
  • 2
    I assume with the growth if IoT industry C will continue to rule.
  • 2
    C has contributed so much to the tech we use. Linux, some of Windows, GIT, several programming languages, apache, databases like MySQL and SQLite, etc

    Currently there’s a lot of people that want to rewrite already existing software/OS’ in Rust or {insert other language here} just to do it. C works it’s been working and it’s been doing amazing. There’s no need to. It’s not broken so don’t try to fix a problem no one has. Instead make/find a new version of that written in {insert other language here} that you and others can contribute to and enjoy and watch grow. A good example is the OS Redox that’s a written in Rust.

    It’s getting updated occasionally like with C11 and C18.

    It’s still an amazing language that will live on because of everything it supports and everything we can continue do with it. Even though it’s strings make me want to castrate myself.
  • 1
    I think of C as computers and phones, there is online storage, bigger, cheap but it doesn't take away the need for good amount of storage on the device itself
  • 1
    C is going to live on as a portable assembly.
  • 1
    @Demolishun No. All UNIX is C, not only Linux.
  • 1
    C won't die. Legend's don't die. If UNIX exists, C exists. If GNU exists, C exists. Unless we create a CPU Architecture that take JVM Bytecode as ISA, C won't die.
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