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    What's that little dancing flower in the middle of your searchbar?
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    "Todos" means All in your regional language?
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    Why is flowey in your search bar?
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    @stonestorm @Creep LOL I didn't notice it was there. It's a little desktop pet, dancing Flowey, from my most recent Java project.
    It lets you create desktop pets out of PNGs and a JSON zipped, and Flowey dancing was just my attempt to show how easy it was and how simple could these pets be.
    It just dances up and down, and can be dragged. I also made a little whale that swims around and randomly splashes and sleeps.
    It's on my GitHub if you wanna check it out.
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    @c3r38r170 awww that's so cute
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    @Creep If you want, I'll notify you when 2.0 comes out.
    You won't have to compile it or anything, I'll make a MEGA folder with the executable and examples (like Flowey 1.1).
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