
What is the best way to learn react.js in least amount of time possible?...
I know basic web dev like es6, html5, scss, node.js etc.

  • 4
    Print out the docs and slowly introduce it into your diet. Bowl of alphabetti spaghetti can have way more letters in it if you spice it up with some of your own
  • 5
    The best way is to spend more time, not less. Expect to drop 20 hours a week on it for 3 months and you'll be up to speed.

    Go through the docs, replicate the examples, learn the base APIs and read code on GitHub related to questions you have.
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    @LiterallyJesus Thats a good idea but is there any other faster way?
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    make todo list by yourself
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    @SortOfTested Thanks, I'll do 6 hours for 1.5 months ;)
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    @vane Already done that... but I was following a tutorial on youtube... This time I'll do it on my own...
    Thanks BTW :)
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    @Cystal to not repeat yourself try to make it using only functional components
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    Why are you learning it?

    The fastest, least boring way is if you have a use/project for it.

    I learned ReactNative in 1wk but it didn't work for what I wanted.... So forgot most of it...

    I learned Android years ago but didn't use.... Until RN didn't work so picked it because up again just to do what I needed it to do. That too a few days.
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    next project u take use react and google ur way till the end
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    @billgates well I wanted to learn react so that i can make some cool desktop apps with it... Using electron+react and some other shit... And put it on my website... To show some people that I have made something... Just dont wanna get in tutorial hell. BTW NICE NAME 😁
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    @Cystal thanks, seems famous names aren't cool anymore.... or never were...

    Maybe look Kat the electron docs to figure out how to get the basic setup. Then go thru the usual docs or tutorials just to understand the framework, syntax and features.

    Rest is just trial and error. Get the basic app built and running then keep changing it.

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    @billgates thanks ❤
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    Use react.js
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