
When your friend tries to fuck with your computer but you're using i3...

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    So i3 is like a terminal multiplexer for GUI's?

    Just watched a video on it, and it looks as simple as what I wanted Tmux to be.
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    I'm in the slow process of configuring it and learning shortcuts. Trying to make the move from Gnome when I have enough time.
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    @drRoss yeah, when I first heard of tmux I thought "yeah!! I definitely need tha... oh... no I don't, I'm already tiling everything. Just open a new terminal." 🤣 #xmonad
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    @Gauthier Yeah, i3 seems like a happy middle ground.
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    @drRoss I chose xmonad above i3 because I had a better first experience with it. I got annoyed by i3 windows all having title bars (surely this can be removed, but as it is out of the box, it's a waste of pixels), xmonad *seemed* to have a bigger user base. On the other hand, i3 is written in C, that's a plus.
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    @Gauthier Or a C plus plus. Hahahahaha.
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    @Gauthier try using i3-gaps! It makes it look nice and stuff!
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    @h313 It sounds like adding gaps between windows? I'm not so concerned about how it looks...
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    @rtannerf me too, I have 1 pixel gap in default layout, and much more in my chat layout. I don't like long lines of text there anyway.
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