
The last Windows 10 update (10 days ago) has fucked up my dual boot with Elementary OS (Linux distro). I tried many things to retrieve it but with no success !
So I reinstalled it ! So now I would like to know how to prevent this shit happened again. Is there a way to do that ? Maybe a /boot partition or it's unnecessary ?

  • 3
    I had so many problems dual booting Windows and Linux on the same hard drive. What I did is I bought a separate hdd for Linux and Windows Update didn't fuck shit up anymore.
  • 0
    Let me guess, you were using CSM to boot?
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    @melezorus34 I'm on an old motherboard that doesn't support UEFI.
  • 3
    Put grub on an usb stick (the slowest, oldest, smallest, shittiest one will do) and set boot usb boot priority to the highest. Wanna boot Elementary? Stick it in (tm) and reboot.
    You should be fine installing both systems to a partition each, just make sure nothing from Grub ends up on Windows MBR
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    @Wesley try EasyBCD. It's good enough to allow changes on Metro bootloader.

    If that won't work, try rEFInd
  • 5
    You can try wiping out windows..:)
  • 2
    @netikras Ahah, I don't. Use windows for gaming and Photoshop 👌
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