
Shout-out the women who share their work without plastering it in hashtags relating to #womenwhocode

You the real ones.

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    @Frederick I've seen a straggler occasionally on here
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    @shes-coding Good! I'm more speaking of those who are constantly using it as padding for their content.

    Like HR types constantly focusing on the gender of coders. Feels like an "attaboy" -- sort of like an adult roughing up the hair of a kid trying their best.
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    @shes-coding it's fine as long as you don't try and make it a personality trait.

    That's whenever it's annoying as fuck.
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    #@molaram #what? #how #could #that #possibly #be #annoying #to #you?
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    📌 awaits le #troll
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    @molaram #okay
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    @rutee07 devRant wouldn't be the same without your unnecessary sexual additions.
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    Why is it always women who are picky about this?
    Now please don't get me wrong, I know 1950, blah blah blah, but did you ever see a man who flexed with #menwhoteach because there are more female teachers? Same for cleaning, hair stylists or any other female dominanted field.
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    @nitwhiz Well, there are men that brag about being in those fields.
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    @shes-coding "badass women" what's so badass about sitting on your ass and writing code, I do it, I don't find it particularly badass.
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    agreed dude i follow #programming and gwt all ahit poat showing ass posts that has nothing to do with code.
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    @shes-coding their*
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    Is there a hashtag for not having a CS degree? Because building a network of successful CS-degree-less or CS-degree-agnostic folk would be neat.

    Would you guys be as equally opposed to that?
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    @AmyShackles I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but low key that's kinda retarded.

    It shouldn't matter how you learned to code as long as you write good code that does the job.
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    @Stuxnet I’m actually not being sarcastic.
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    Is it weird that I avoid hashtags because my inner fuckstick thinks everything will be commented out until I reach the end?
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    @AmyShackles I completely agree, when hiring I actually focus more on those applying without a degree, and personally love to interview those folk. As I am one of them. The degree folks are all cookie cutter from their college/university of choice... dime a dozen folk.. nothing unique.. although they think they are lol... but the no degree folk that actually know what they are doing, are always my favorite... doesn’t matter what gender.. they always bring a unique edge to things and great perspective... those are the leaders I choose to lead and direct project, envision the end goals and full system, come up with plans and architectural designs etc, while the degree folks are the workhorses. They just do as they told.. typically 9-5 folk.. while my non degree folks they those are my tiger team.. stay till the work is done.. crazy hours.. all on their own, not forced, just purely because that’s what they love todo, just like me
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