
Currently at dentist getting wisdom tooth pulled. Nervous as hell.

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    @rutee07 numbed me six or seven times I don't know. Got to go to an oral surgeon now to get put under because apparently I don't respond well to Novacane.
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    @Wisecrack sleep well, don't forget one of the cracker lines that you can say just before falling asleep before surgery.
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    @Ranchu cracker lines?
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    Did you need to create a pull request ?
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    Your biggest worry should be leaving the surgery with covid-19
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    The "happy juice" that oral surgeons use to knock you out apparently makes me fly into a violent rage after coming to, and have a day and a half hole in my memory.

    I apparently said a bunch of really mean things to my mother and made her cry, and punched her.
    Not that she didn't deserve it.

    "Happy juice."
    Who knew?

    Then again maybe they made up the whole story to make me feel like the horrible person they keep telling me I am. 😕
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    It's been five hours, remember to take your painkillers
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    So what if you're horrible? We're all horrible.

    *They* sound like horrible people.

    Don't feel bad. I had five step dads, three of which were violent alcoholics and meth heads. I was homeless once or twice a month every month for years as a kid and later on as a teenager cuz apparently my presence wounded pops fragile ego.

    Can't let none of these fucks live in your head rent free. Truth is you can be as horrible as you want to be. Thats okay with at least one person, here at least, me.

    I have a bunch of horrible friends. We're all horrible together. It's a smashing good time. Who needs other people and their opinions anyway?

    This is the definition of oversharing but I hope it helps. For everything else theres catty banter and alcohol.
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    @Wisecrack 💛!
    But I don't think I'm horrible.

    (My parents are, but that's on them.)
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    It's terrible that you're not horrible. Must be an awful experience.

    People used to call me horrible. I always responded with "thanks, I try!"
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    @Wisecrack 😅
    I meant actually horrible!
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