What should i do more to get people to read posts properly?????

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    Because some people are dumm that's why.
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    @Ranchu lol i did not ask why
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    You can’t

    The sad fact is that many people don’t even try to read and without a means to physically force them you cannot get them to change.

    I have seen this not only on forums but also when working with support.
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    @ScaryException good point.
    Seems my lack of social interaction is impacting my ability to read properly.
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    @Ranchu I get you. It's ok.
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    @Voxera the second sentence is cut into a violent and a non violent half. makes me comfortable.

    And yes you're right
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    The situation is far worse with black-box support, that just arbitrarily ignores your message (hey, GitHub, look at you), without the chance to be revived for discussion.
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    People are terrible.
    Learn to expect "minimally exceptional" (read: stupid, pointless) responses and behavior; you'll be disappointed and frustrated a little less.
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    Ignore all the people who don't understand your question. They can't help you anyway.
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    @Oktokolo yes i know and I am tryong to cope with that. BUT WHY!!!1!

    i'll use a # in Front oft my questions wherever markdown is possible...
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    Also, GitHub becomes an old-fashioned forum at such rate: you open issue, maintainers/contributors tell that it must be solved, then they lock conversation. Like, really? Conversation is there to help people to react on same issue when it suddenly arrises again (what if?), but heck no - you lock it like some necrophobe boomers!
    Just provide people with public chat to share their gratitudes for certain issues being solved if you so fear necroposting. FFS
    (actually, no offense if you aren't such person, thanks for reading)
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