This fucking ci/cd test keeps deleting my dB collections and I can't see what the fuck is going on. Circleci is of the devil and I won't stop fucking using it. I must crack this shit😡

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    If my speculations are right (not tested yet as I moved on to another task to get back to this later and it's my co-devs bug anyway so I pushed it to him to add the proper config before I pull his branch and test) the tests are defaulting to apps dB config not the tests dB config. The server is setup to run tests by creating a test dB on the localhost. But I configured circle CI to run in a docker container which I forgot, is not and cannot be referenced as localhost so test is defaulting to nearest mongo uri which is the apps uri. It uses this to run its test and later drops the dB, as it is set up to perform. I will post an update once I properly test to confirm my speculation and also, I echod the shit out of this and still didn't realise what was happening 😂
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    @theKarlisK I was right. After creating a cloud deployed dB and setting it in a static test config file, it solved my problem. Now it can do whatever tf it wants to do with the test dB and test accounts and I couldn't care less. Whew. Devops is shit because some errors just occur and there is no error message.
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