
New CTO.

New CTO pushes policy change to all browsers to open Facebook Workplace on every new tab and as start page.
Locks option to change it.
This also kills restoring tabs from past session.

New CTO handles the complaints
'It's fine to complain, we don't even have to agree. If this is important to you, then come up with a suggestion on how to solve this for all our employees. Business equirement is that one page is shown at startup, that's it. This has nothing to do with Workplace.'

  • 9
    Suggestion for improvement to resolve the situation: dont
  • 2
    Maybe the business requirement you set is wrong? But idk im just a scrub with 1/50 the pay.
  • 11
    Hosts file: Facebook.com

    Duck em!
  • 2
    @C0D4 Doesn't prevent the actual problems. I did find a browser they can't manage though, chrome beta worked for a while.

    Now I can restore tabs!
  • 5
    > Business equirement is that one page is shown at startup

    I'd be very interested in the reasoning behind that business requirement.

    But whoever said it is right: better not complain about this one too much unless you're prepared to be a player in office politics.
  • 2
    Theres a firefox extension that saves your tabs to a json on exit
  • 4
    I'm extremely grateful my work hasn't figured out how to homepage hijack firefox. It's such a pointless thing. If I want to go to your goddamn intranet site I'll fucking go to it. This just fucks up my workflow for no goddamn reason. My business requirement is for you to fuck off and let me use my computer
  • 1
    company intranet?
  • 6
    Don't get involved in politics. Smile, nod, say "hey, great idea!" then spend the rest of the day throwing together whatever hacky script you need to circumvent the behaviour.

    Or of course, do what I do - the machine stays on, and the web browser rarely if ever gets closed.
  • 2
    "Business requirement" = "As the new CTO I want to leave my mark, anyone who disagrees get labeled as troublemaker"
  • 0
    @VaderNT So basically a dog marking its territory?
  • 1
    @SomeNone exactly. Insecure managers have that urge.
  • 1

    What kind of business requirement is that?

    Here an idea. If you need to shown one page at shown at startup, how about http://www.google.com (because we need to search regularly at our work)
  • 1
    I would fight so hard against that, and win because my argument is that the polity costs the company money due to lost time.

    I'd also bypass the group policies like I have at literally every other job that required me to use windows. One of the perks of being an ex-domain admin 😊
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