It's not always certain whether we do a morning standup, so usually someone asks "su?" in our Slack chat around 9:15

I'm _so_ tempted to send the flag of the Soviet Union every time someone asks that.

  • 7
    Just do it 😈
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    maybe mistyped whsat should go into the terminal...?
    maybe next time reply:

    enter password for user <username>:

    (phising intensifies!)
  • 0
    @h0ru5 No he's not mistyping anything ;)
  • 1
    @alexbrooklyn hm.

    When someone uses abbreviations like that.... I usually question his ability to type on a keyboard.

    Standup. It's not that hard.

    I'd guess I'd come up with my own abbreviations. Just for fun.

    TUNA - Thank u, not available.

    CAT - Cancel appointment, thanks....

    UMWNP - Unnecessary meeting, will not participate....
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