
How many tabs in your chrome now?

  • 3
    Undefined 😊
  • 4
    Which instance?
    I have 3 windows, 5-10 tabs each at the moment just to handle code conflicts.... someone fucking kill me.
  • 1
    2 in the productivity window, 5 in the entertainment window.
  • 3
    Oh, and it's Firefox BTW.
  • 2
    2 windows, 10 tabs. But over here it's 09:38, so the day just started. I guess it will become 30-50 over the day.
  • 2
    @shoop you are batshit insane.
  • 0
    @nitwhiz How many do you have?
  • 3
    121 in this window, 50 in another, 77 in a third.

    Not counting incognito tabs
  • 0
    3 windows:
    5 monitoring
    13 some docs
    8 _stuff_

    So not much. It's a good day.:D
  • 2
    Vivaldi got a nice feature. You can stack tabs. You can also set tabs to "inactive".
  • 0
    @shoop problem?

    I'm multitasking.

    3x projects at work
    1x non-profit project
    3x personal projects
    ~50% of those tabs serve me as a TODO list: nginx hardening, udev rules, WireGuard configuration (joining with LAN), custom field converters for SpringData, etc.
    ~5–10% of those tabs are communication channels
  • 1
    The chrome mobile app just says “ :) “
  • 0
    I have 89 tabs open currently.
  • 0
    8 in Chrome
    6 in Firefox

    But it's a slow day.
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