Why is it accepted that cs people just have poor hygiene. If I walk into a room and almost get floored by the stench if BO it doesn't make it acceptable to say "you're not used to it? It's that cs smell, man." like, ok. that dude should still go fucking shower.

Literally the entire lab was just rank from one guy, and the room is at least 30X100

  • 2
    Dude.... don't throw all cs people in the same pot
  • 1
    I'm not, but that's the way it was dismissed. Like "oh, you're in cs you should be used to that."
  • 0
    Was just reading a wk23 about this and thought the same thing...
  • 0
    Stinky bastard
  • 1
    We had emails sent around uni occasionally reminding people to shower... Should not be necessary!
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