
God damn it ADHD. I can't seem to focus on what I actually want to learn.

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    Learning C with ADHD seems a bit rough? You're in for a lot of disappointment, crippling self doubt and wasting lots of energy of fighting against your self. Use your wandering and in 5 steps thinking mind where it's an advantage. Like DevOps, Graphic Design or Frontend dev.
    Good luck never the less.
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    Do you perform physical exercise regularly?
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    I wanted to get tested for ADHD as an adult but the doctor/insurance couldn't tell me the price of the evaluation. They said it would be between $200 -$900 and I didn't want to spin the wheel on that one. But if I could I would just get some really low doses of whatever medication they wanted to give to help with it, if I was officially diagnosed. There's a stigma with those meds but if you need it, it can be a miracle drug.
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    @jbrandona119 can't you fly to canada, mexico, cuba to do the test once the pandemic is over?
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    Beej’s Guide to C. He writes with enough side tangents that I find it easy to follow (as someone with ADHD). I don’t know how to explain it any better than he writes like I think and so it’s easy to process the material. At least for me. Your mileage might vary.
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    @heyheni probably. Never did that before, really never even thought about it...I’ll look into it 🙂 thanks for the idea!
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    @jbrandona119 I needed it to get through Highschool, but it killed my creativity.
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    @jbrandona119 Up to $900?? WTF... There’s a very long list of drugs for ADHD with numerous potential adverse effects. Adderrall is the most notorious one. But behavioral therapies can also be effective.
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    @Pelvis-Fresley That's why I asked about the status of physical exercise. It is known to have positive effects on ADHS, as well as overall, and has no bad side effects unless you go for dangerous activities.
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    @Fast-Nop I agree. Once I tried to code while skydiving at 200 km/h and nothing would compile. True story.
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    @Pelvis-Fresley the real issue is that no one could even give me an estimate. I was already charged $100 to see the doctor and schedule the assessment and everyone I called told me to call the people I already called. I had to cancel it but since I used the appointment confirmation website to cancel instead of calling them (they told me after the fact that they don't use that website to cancel appoinments despite the option being there) I was actually charged $200 for a missed appointment lmfao.

    I never really looked into the effectiveness of behavioral therapy but I'm sure it's great. Definitely safer but more costly and time consuming I'd guess.
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