
When your senior says he may as well stops working as I'm always refactoring his code...

Same sentence says I copy what you've done in other places so I don't see why it isn't good enough. By copy he leaves redundant code in there too.

Am I a being a douche is he just being over the top?

- He writes code and expects it to live for a long time.
- I write code and will go home and refactor my own code.

  • 1
    Eah, i would tell him that you refactor it cause you want him to be able to focus on the grand vison and not worry about the day to day stuff.

    Gives him the impression that you value his work whilst implying that nobody gets code pretty the first time.
  • 2
    I swear everything I write starts as spaghetti, and then when I've got things working most of the way I start refactoring it into functions like I should have done in the first place.
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