You can get mad about Apple releasing stuff that Android has been doing for 10 years. But also get mad about you not being able to pick up and Android phone that is not a buggy mess. I will pick Apples pretentious products over wanting to throw my phone on the floor at least 5 times a day because swiping doesn't work the first 10 times or because I have to select an input field 6 thousand times for it to highlight or because every action has a delay for no apparent reason.
Yes Apple sucks but truth is Android sucks hell of a lot more. Sorry not sorry.

  • 9
    This is one of those times, I can't decide which direction is right.

    Android usually does things first, but Apple usually take its sweet time, and does it better.
  • 2
    @Jilano half a troll, I use Apple because I need a phone I don't need to mess around with, I haven't had a need to jailbreak an iPhone since iOS7, and even back then it was out of curiosity and to play with a GBA emulator.

    These days it's more about everyday use rather then fucking with it, but that's probably a sign of being an old fuck as you said ๐Ÿคท‍โ™‚๏ธ
  • 1

    As a wise man once said, "my body is my temple", I just have a big temple๐Ÿ˜†
  • 0
    Correct always go with lesser of the two evils
  • 0
    @C0D4 didn't realize templeos was for mobile now
  • 6
    I will never understand why people still feel this way about Android. I once used iphone
    for 5-10 mins and i was hooked onto to its animations, but other than that, it was some confusing mess to me. Why a apps are on my face ? Where is the file manager? How to save a contact? How to take a. Screenshot?(ok that was for iphone4s)

    They are bringing the widgets in the new update i guess? Yeah, android had that 9 years ago. And granted that modern devices are filled with either software or hardware modifications/bugs , but that's because hundreds of small to large scale companies(with millions of people working in it) are using this os, and not just 1 big mamoth , as in case of apple. This makes Android unique, innovative and somewhat humane.

    And That would be a fair justification of all the swipe/other bugs , but Android is still not asking you to compromise. As in Android we too have big names (google, samsung, OnePlus) making super polished phones and super stable h/w / s/w for you
  • 2
    My daily driver is a galaxy s8. I have an iphone SE which was my daily driver, till I accidentally cracked its display a week back.
    That little SE never disappointed me. Butter smooth and gets its work done. I don't remember any instance where It freezed on me when trying to do something important, like my s8 or many other android phones I used before

    Waiting for another clean symmetrical smartphone without ugly notches or hole punch cameras. Even those huge camera bumps on todays phones makes me furious.
  • 1
    I generally wouldn't trust a device that won't let me modify the hosts file without voiding the warranty.
  • 0
    @molaram I was expecting se2 also to be an old phone with updated innards. Still, I was disappointed.
    I was hoping that given the popularity of the small form factor SE they might do something innovative with the new one.
  • 1
    I see your rube Goldberg machine, and I raise you rolling over and going back to sleep.
  • 2
    Well, blaming Android phones for being crap is fairly easy when you're buying a crappy Android phone
  • 1
    @CodeTalker The thing is that top end Android phones are now almost on par with Apple ones in terms of price and yet they aren't always perfect.
  • 0
    @kamen I agree, but you don't have to buy a high end phone to not have a bad one. I own a middle range phone that costed little more than $200 and it works perfectly well with the wide panel of uses I have
  • 0
    @kamen And Apple phones aren't perfect either. A "high end" phone means it has better hardware and more software functionalities, not that it is bug or inconsistencies free
    (I wanted to integrate it into my previous reply but the stupid 5 minutes edit timeout said no. Fuck it)
  • 0
    @StopWastingTime Exactly.

    I tried an iPhone once and I just don't get how people can work with this system.

    On the other hand, I've worked with android for ages now and especially since lineageOS is here, it's been a breeze! I've got a 3-4 years old phone now second hand but put an AOSP/Lineage based android 9 rom on it and its awesome!
  • 0
    @linuxxx even if people are not as techy as you , a pixel 4 or 4a with its neat , no nonsense ui and stability will give a decent enough experience than an overpriced iphone

    Although i do have heard that apple is able to provide its latest ios version to devices that are 4 or 5 years older, and if that's the case , then that's one point i would give it to them.

    Android being so customizable is terrible at providing a legacy support.
  • 0
    @StopWastingTime ios14 is supposed to be backwards comparable to iPhone 6s (2015), although it will probably be slow as hell back there by force, like any other thats at EOL.

    Down side to apple, forcing by making the older phones ridiculously slow, and that's off the battery is still working.

    - sent from my iPhone ๐Ÿ˜…
  • 1
    @C0D4 hehe. In that case i take back my points from ios.

    Granted that a 7 years old galaxy s4 is not as fast as modern hulk phones for gaming and other h/w intensive apps , but that's usually the app's fault/limitation and not the mobile itself.
    Sometimes app devs are lazy enough to not care about old devices but the ones that do, their apps are sure to run smoothly.
  • 1
    @StopWastingTime good apps will work on older phones without much issue, and if apps aren't updated regularly they do get removed from the store, well the user has an inability to download it anyway.

    But yea, Apple is in the business of forcing you up to a more recent model phone every few years if you wish to stay in the ecosystem.

    I only upgrade my phone every 3 years or so, when the battery is down to its last days anyway and needs 3 charges a day to keep it turned on.

    Either way, the OS will either stop receiving updates or the battery shits it's self - and strangely (probably deliberately) both of these are in a similar time frame.

    For some insight: https://wccftech.com/apple-lawsuit-...
  • 0
    What the hell are you doing to make swiping not work?
  • 0
    @PrivateGER mining bitcoins on every swipe xD
  • 0
    @StopWastingTime You talk about these super polished and super stables android phones. I feel like if they where the rule and not the exception I would have come across a couple of those which I haven't.
  • 0
    @CodeTalker Well my phones and my friends phones have cost 700£+ from big named brands. It's not an instance of ONE bad phone. It's the experience I've had of several. So ... *shrug*
  • 0
    @PrivateGER lol spoken like a true dev "wtf did the user do to cause this behavior" :D
  • 0
    @Sunsette Yes, because a basic OS feature doesn't tend to break.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER You would think...
  • 0
    @Sunsette Worked for my last 6 phones ;)
  • 1
    @PrivateGER 6 android phones and no bugs? Wow, you should also buy a lottery ticket, u sound like a lucky guy ;)
  • 1
    @Sunsette Nah, most people can confirm my experience. The unlucky ones are just the loudest.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER android had UI lags more often as compared to iOS due to poor RAM management
  • 0
    @PrivateGER If "most people" would confirm your experience I think I would have meet one or two of them. I can verify I have not :)
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