Traffic controller simulation program in c

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    Too stupid to google - CHECK.
    Too stupid to even formulate a question - CHECK.
    Too lazy to do your homework yourself - CHECK.

    You'll never make it as dev. Go and flip burgers at McD, maybe that's something you could succeed at.
  • 3
    no, it's the place for devs to rant. We are not simulating anything neither in C nor D or Z or any other char.
  • 6
    // i like to avoid arguments

    void main(){

    while (1){






  • 0
    Dude, Satan is coming for you for not asking a question.
  • 2
    A rusty nail in your dick hole.
  • 0
    Guys don't be so rude! Help a bro out.

    Here's your program :) It may take a few minutes to run, c is an old language. Just give it a while.

    #include <stdio.h>

    int main(){
    FILE* f = fopen("traffic.txt", "w+");
    // Ask user for directions
    fprintf(f, "Where to?\n");
    return 0;
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