devRant, please fix your push notifications! Why have 50 push notifs for a +1, when you can have 1 push notif, exclaiming +50 likes?

  • 0
    You can turn it off in the settings mate 😂
  • 0
    I'd still like to see the damn, notifications, but not a dozen of them each for an upvote!
  • 2
    @DRSDavidSoft so your saying you want it to ... Say this rant has 72 upvotes
    Not 72 notifications ? I.e update a notification if you haven't removed ? 😅

    That could be a thing
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    Yeap, that's what my other social Android apps do.
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    @dfox #suggestion
  • 1
    In my experience this basically creates work for mr @dfox and @trogus. Imagine, right now, the app simply triggers a push the moment an action happens. Easy. Code it once, a-a-a-and done!
    But once you start looking at something which requires grouping (like what being implied in this rant) long story short would mean work by the devRant creators to implement queues and workers and blah blah. I can understand why this would be a 'nice to have'.
  • 2
    Yeah, we want to collect them into digests after an intial threshold is passed, but @dfox is always overworked. We'll get there eventually
  • 0
    Update to latest android. Notifications of.similar types are grouped into a single unit
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