Ex-boss (who boasted 20 years of programming exp.) Would not let us work on a web project saying we didn't have enough experience and said he'd do it alone... Fast forward to 3 days before presenting to client, we get to check the log in interface and immediately find that there's no actual security, no validation... Just 2 text boxes with hard coded users and no way to add more without creating them in db... And if you knew the next page's URL you can actually skip the login... Needless to say he was removed from the project that instant and we (interns at the time) had to do everything from scratch. A 3 months project done in 2 days. Never been more stressed in my life :'(

  • 9
    Oh wow that guy should never be allowed to touch a computer again unless he "git gud"
  • 10
    @troopy712139 Worst part is that he just got moved to another project and demanded a raise for the position change...and got it :/
  • 2
    @Schnoops why is the company still keeping him?
  • 4
    @troopy712139 Having a PhD is a perk I guess :(
  • 7
    @Schnoops now I'm convinced. Having a good degree means nothing in the "real world" (still a student)
  • 2
    @troopy712139 While it does not guarantee capacity, I've met some that really know their stuff. Also gives you priority in some types of work. Guess it depends on the person.
  • 2
    @Schnoops haha I actually want to be a junior that comes into a company and knows more about the current tech than most other web devs
  • 1
    @troopy712139 that's some ambition there, I'd recommend you to freelance if you have the chance, work environment is totally different from school.
  • 4
    @Schnoops school hardly helped much to be honest. I subscribed to devtips and also codecourse, have been learning from them for a while now. I had learnt so much from them.
  • 1
    @troopy712139 yeah that's the way I feel I learn the most, codecademy, udemy and safari books online are the ones I've found I like the best.
  • 3
    @troopy712139 git: "gud" unknown command
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