So, how's your 7:30 to 5 job going?

  • 3
    happened to me yesterday, i was playing Metroid Zero Missions until 6am, had a meeting at 9am. Worth it
  • 1
    Yeah pretty good thanks.
  • 2
    Was setting up my pi3 as a web server until 5 am. Just on my way in to work at 7:30 :D
  • 5
    This beautiful sunrise scene reminds me of my GitHub punchcard charts...
  • 1
    I'm genuinely feeling sorry for you. Hang in there tiger 😅
  • 3
    It's going well
  • 1
    @loneRanger I am living in Aachen Germany. Our office is the highest point in our city.
  • 1
    Yeah mines 8:30 to 6 so I feel ya
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