
I updated the UI as I said last time


Found out word cloud essentially is NP hard problem, so can’t do it in an efficient way.

However, now it is more interactive, and gives the illusion it is faster

  • 9
    You must build word cloud mode for Quake 2. There’s already ascii mode. This one is a must!
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    @Root I do not know what quake 2 is and googled it, a game? I can do the picture if you want
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    @Root ahh i see what you mean and found the text mode.

    It is not the same thing, the text mode can use pixel brightness to determine what character to use, which is a lot, lot easier
  • 1
    @K-ASS I’m aware. You would have to use an average, or find an area of pixels that are about the correct color/brightness and put an accordingly sized word there. It certainly wouldn’t be fast, it you should still be able to get a “playable” frame rate out of it.
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    @Root not really. The tricky thing, when an image is used as guideline, you will need to detect edges so that words do not cross the edge. The text version you mentioned does not consider that, instead it is just boxing multiple pixels as one character.

    For the best visual, the word cloud I do tried to put word as large as possible where color change is not dramatic. The is hard hence the speed is not impressive
  • 0
    How in the name of God...
    That's cool, are you taking chunks of pixels and replacing them with a given list of words?
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    @root, oh my that ascii mode looks dope, will try it. just testing rtx mode, would be nice to mix ascii and rtx 😂

    @k-ass try quake 2 dude, is such a good game
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    @Ranchonyx yes, that’s what word cloud is for
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    @Jilano not sure if it is manually... I mean, no human is used in the generation of word cloud...
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    Does anyone if there’s a good subreddit for this type of content? I want people to actually use it since it’s pretty cool
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    @Jilano open source could be nice, i don’t have substantial data to represent.
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    Edit: now vertical texts are supported
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    @Jilano I just did one for matrix using the transcript. If you think it’s cool I’m gonna post it tomorrow
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    @Jilano I can take request, just tell me the movie, and I will find a poster.

    If you want, put link of poster and I will do it for you

    But I have to sleep now, so will do your request tomorrow.
    (The poster should not be too small, definitely around 1080p is good)
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    @Jilano it’s on reddit now, but let me show you twins and agent smith
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    @Jilano so I already posted it on reddit and deleted the post like two hours ago.

    Got bashed really hard for not being a word cloud since words are repeated. I tried to explain words have to be repeated to generate fine detail but still, larger words means larger frequency. Then I got bashed hard for having same words of different font size. Then I just gave up.

    Now I increased word limit to 500 to create the illusion that words don’t repeat, but in reality, they will.

    Anyway, take the updated pictures, now they are from each character’s lines
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    @Jilano well, I guess I kinda agree it’s not the ideal word cloud. But it did kinda hurts
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    How do people do this? Also, I am more amazed that none of the words overlap.
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    @K-ASS That looks tough, anyways, cool stuff
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