That's it, it's over, I'm done! I'm officially a graduate! I have my paper and I'm out!

Goodbye preditory USA college related companies and practices I won't miss you!

I swear If I ever have to hear the name Pearson again.....

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    @rooter 🤣 I walked into that one
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    Congrats! What's your next step?
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    @alexbrooklyn Get my employer to pay me for having a degree or find someone else who will.
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    @ostream Pearson is a US company that sells it's learning platform to schools then charges students crazy fees for access to the platform and the books. The books are basically useless because they are also on the platform electronically.
  • 3
    I wish I was your parent.
    Then I'd say...Want a pear, son?
    *ba dum tss*
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    @iamai 😮😧😟😖
  • 3
    What can I say except "You're welcome"
    For the pier, sun, the sky
    Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome!

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