
On today's episode of devRant we have..... πŸ₯

No really, What's new in the world on this windy, cold, miserable, wait what day is it again? Oh Wednesday, I seriously had to look that up.

COVID staycation is blending the days together now.

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    Tuesday here.
    Which is great because that means no standup tomorrow! I’ve got nothing of note accomplished today thanks to that doxxing thread robbing me of sleep last night.
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    45 minutes past Tuesday here. I am depressed and sleepless. 😞 My hair is going gray, and I need a vacation. (too broke tho)
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    I forgot. Stress-induced chest pain too. Really, at this point, is dying that bad of an option?
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    @Root I did not sleep well last night, maybe you can do better.

    I have standup every day, except I've got nothing new at the moment to share either, business doesn't really care that I've got 2 weeks of recovering the test classes ahead of me. Down side to outsourcing workπŸ˜–πŸ€¦‍β™‚οΈπŸ™„πŸ€―
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    tuesday still here... today the government decided to lift the lock down(you were restricted to go out depending on the last number of your dni) and went full retard, I hope people in this tiny, little and ignorant country wear their facemasks at least
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    Meaning I'd be getting a new happy meal toy if I was at work.. hm... Maybe I'll go to McD anyways..

    I'm still bitching about the home part in WFH & hope it will get resolved soon..

    I finally managed to get on vacation..due to coronaShit it just means staying at home and not actually pressing keyboards..

    Oooooh, I'd love to sing wake me up when september ends but I'm actually scared that shit will get worse.. :/ so yeah, no greenday this year for me..

    Edit: wtf?! I appended (or so I thought) the it's wednesday my dudes frog :/ and it won't stay put :/ blah..
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    Groundhog day never ends.
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    @sladuled (check the file size.)
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    @NoMad 30kilo... My photos are > 2MB and never had problem posting them directly... maybe file format..dunno.. doesn't matter really, but thanks for suggestion!
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    Let's see. Random 1.1MB png.
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    Random 6KB png
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    @sladuled ok, I take it back. Size was not an issue. Maybe type? Was it a jpeg?
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    @NoMad hahaha nope .jpg I am guessing it's a location issue..

    Edit: cropped ss of the downloaded picture was ok..
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