
How do you find inspiration and motivation for your pet projects?

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    inspiration: take a shower or a walk
    motivation: getting social recognition or personal gain
    and in my case some ADD medication (Ritalin, Elvevanse, Adderall) combined with coffee 😄

    For the inspiration it's important to get outside of your places that you are familiar with. Nothing new will come out of old impressions. You need input to get output. So for example walk to a caffe in your place that you never visited before.
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    @heyheni wait... How do those medications go with coffee? Wouldn't they cause opposite effects?
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    @iiii i'm a dreamer and don't have hyperactivity. So the result i's im awake and hyper phocused.
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    As for inspirations: new experiences cause me to experience "woah!" moments but do not spark any inner ideas whatsoever, just ave.
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    @heyheni those ADD meds hit home lol
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    @iiii ADD meds without having ADD gives you some insanely amazing focus. It's a feeling like none other, and is a common tactic for studying in college.
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    @Stuxnet never heard about that
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    Stop wasting time doing repetitive tasks, organizing stuff on computer in suitable manner.
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    @vane and what to do instead?
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    @iiii that’s the answer about my recent inspiration I look at my repetitive life and try to automate it.
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    My pet projects involve trying to get some sleep, and trading sleep for time to do something fun once in awhile.
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    @Root you mean they're not inspired and fueled by rum???
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    @Stuxnet No, that’s work 😉
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    @rutee07 I don't really think about both
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    Being manic
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    @uyouthe oh yeah, I've forgot the last time I was manic. My depressive phase went for too long
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    inspiration is no issue. every second thing i look at/see gives me inspiration for two or three different games.

    ...motivation? that one I have no idea where to find.
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