
This is borderline blackmailing: if I choose to have only the "required" cookies, this non-dismissable popup shows up and I have to wait 10 seconds until it closes. That's longer than it takes me to make an online payment!

  • 0
    No processing requires 10 seconds, even if it takes, you don't need to wait for it.
  • 11
    It has a lot... of apis to call synchronously to tell the thousand company's its now shoving your data into, not to track you.
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    Have you tried removing/hiding the popup?
  • 0
    @Berkmann18 Yes,but in this case the banner at the bottom of the page remains
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    is there a cookie storing that preference that you can just directly edit?
  • 1
    This isn’t blackmailing... If you don’t like it use a different service 🤷‍♂️
    I know I’m being blunt but this seems pretty straightforward to me.
  • 2
    just because they have to act slightly human-friendly doesn't mean they can't make you suffer for taking advantage of the offer
  • 1
    Get the IDontCareAboutCookies extension. It's basicially uBlock but for Cookie popups.
    Coupled with some cookie autodeleter and don't have to care anymore about what settings are if the cookies are going to be deleted anyway.
  • 1
    @LinusCDE Thanks for the suggestion.I wish there was an extension to automatically refuse as many cookies as possible AND hide the popup
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    Same thing happened to me on Docker Hub as well, and I was like what the actual fuck!

    Using Brave (https://brave.com) and the I don't care about cookies extension (https://i-dont-care-about-cookies.eu/...) was the solution for me. This sort of crap just isn't a part of my day anymore.
  • 0
    @armaged I wish there was a i-dont-want-cookies extension
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