
shut up Granny

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    Is there another way?
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    @N00bPancakes Chrome or VSCode's debugger, breakpoints wherever you need them, and when execution stops, you just inspect the context instead of logging it; also direct log points instead of breakpoints. Still, nothing wrong with console log as long as you don't forget extraneous logs after you're done with them. Whatever works for you - a console log might be more indicative i.e. if you suspect a method is called more times that needed.
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    @kamen I know. I was being silly. ;)
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    Unless I need to debug some more heavy logic (which there usually aren't), I don't like the idea of stopping mid-execution. (mostly because of hot reloading) Just run the damn thing and log out the results for me, you can even use tools in order to label and color code stuff.
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    @N00bPancakes no, debuggers are for heretics and simps, console.log is da wae
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    @neeno mah man 😅👏
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    They don't think it be like it is but it do.
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    i use alert() 😂
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    @linus-torvald lol what a coincidence. I was just watching Linus Torvald saying "fuck u" to Nvidia. 😅 lmao
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    This page
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    @bug123 Lolwut you're right. Normally not only should the comments be removed, but also the code minified.
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