
Today was "one of those days".

So, the state machines were keep on failing. I said fuck it and wrote a simpler loop thing.

Even that failed.

And it took me hours to figure out what was wrong. But I did. Because THERE WAS VIRTUALLY NO FUCKING DOCCO ON THIS SHIT, ANYWHERE ON THE FUCKING ENTIRETY OF THE INTERNET. Hell, I even translated a few pages from Mandarin. Which is ridiculous since I'm working with standard robotic shit. Like, wtf even?

Anywho, I also had a heart attack because the port was not responding. I ran across the building to find the guy who fortunately had another port controller. That didn't work either. Then by the God-given cure of "Turning it off and on again " (it, in this case, being the computers) it worked!

Then I broke the window blinds. It's not coming down anymore.

Like, yeah, thanks, I'll take a weekend and half.

  • 1
    Also, git was a bitch and I didn't upload my samples. Fuck.
  • 1
    @Jilano burgers too 😛
  • 5
    Rum and burgers?
    Count me in!
  • 0
    @uyouthe you okay, kiddo? You removed your rant, I saw. Wanna join us for burgers and drinks?
  • 3
    * turns on the grill *

    Welcome to the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek END!
  • 3
    @C0D4 You say that like it won’t just start again. 😥
  • 4
    @Root for some reason, Monday keeps showing back up, I've been telling it for years to stay away, damn thing is like professional stalker.
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